Getaway, far far away

I'm ready, VACATION!
Was supposed to post this earlier, but due to jet lag, laziness, rushing here and there
(yes, I'm rushing even when I'm on vacation.. #sadlife)
So here I am finally.
Having 3 weeks vacation in Europe, currently in Switzerland.

One word to decribe this place:
(thanks to Jim Carey)

The place, people, food, everything
Breathtaking green secenery, colorful houses, puffy fluffy clouds are everywhere.
I'm having cheese, Rosti, latte macchiato, yoghurt and croissant almost everyday.
Weather is a little too dry and cold for me, things are expensive but still,
Thank God for everything is in the right place :)
Sneak peak :)


  1. Europe is ♥ ! Especially the scenery. Remember to bring me some souvenirs.. =p

  2. cant wait for more pictures!!have fun,miss tham!!! :) phaik im.

  3. @yh: yea if i ever found something cheap :P
    @colleen: post again!
    @phaik imm: thanks! :D please dont have high expectation though haha

  4. i said i love ur coat!!! and all the pictures so beautifullllllllllllll! your blog doesn't like me D:

  5. Oh it's Ying Hsi's! I got that for her bday but ended up borrowing from her LOL! Beautiful w/o me in them T.T Oh well..... :P


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