Lisbon Photo Diary
My memories of our 4 days in Lisbon were all scattered which reflected in this photo diary.
Hope you don't mind, scattered thoughts could be beautiful too.

One of the very countable selfies that we took and our eyes were closed haha!
It was taken on top of Santa Justa Elevator overlooking the city.
Didn't know the elevator was built by Gustave Eiffel's apprentice, which explains why
I had the strange affection for the spiral staircase.
My fondest memory was when Kim sat by the street while we had the worst pastries
throughout our trip. Look at that wild child's content smile :)
We were lost and hungry, we couldn't find any restaurants anywhere.
We were lost and hungry, we couldn't find any restaurants anywhere.
Miss those adventures with this bunch, and the ham, cheese, super hard bread breakfast everyday.
So happy to catch World Press Photo here in Museu da Electricidade.
We saw the same one in Amsterdam but the ticket was pricey,
we experienced the exhibition here at 4euros only.
Possibly felt all the emotions that I have within me,
we were reminded of how fortunate we are, how lucky to be simply alive today.
We went to a couple of churches that I couldn't recall their names.
The only one that I remembered was Carmo Convent. Once the largest church in Lisbon,
the now roofless church since the 1755 earthquake is so haunting and beautiful.
My tiny brain almost exploded from all the history lessons that were read to me in the churches.
Forever grateful for Colleen's recommendation to dine in Restaurante Cervejaria O Pinoquio.
The food was so good T.T And I stole olives from the next table.
The annual Out Jazz Festival by the gorgeous Belem Tower that lasted for five months,
Portuguese are crazy. There we met the goodest boy and a kid feasting on grass.
Also the best Portuguese tart ever at Pasteis de Belem.
Can you just tell how much I love their metro station?
Photos by Kim.
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